Beauty Products Dataset

Explore comprehensive datasets featuring millions of beauty products and reviews—unlock the true beauty of data insights.

  • Millions records available
  • Get datasets from dozens of cosmetic and beauty websites
  • Free data samples for download
beauty products datasets

Dataset sample

Data points include:timestamp, brand, final_price, seller ID, name, title, address, rating, reviews, products, brands, description, ASIN, price, currency, discount, details, category, and much more! Available from various domains and geo-locations, you can purchase a subset to match your needs.


Popular pre-built beauty products datasets

Chances are we've already built and maintained the data collection from popular websites.
Ensure hassle-free data access by using ready-made scrapers.

  • Demo data in JSON/CSV
  • Fresh records
  • Customize, enrich, and format the data

Amazon products

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Shopee - products

URL, ID, Title, Rating, Reviews, Initial price, Final price, Currency, and more.

Walmart - products

URL, Final price, Sku, Currency, Gtin, Specifications, Image urls, Top reviews, and more.

Amazon Reviews

URL, Product name, Product rating, Product rating object, Product rating max, Rating, Author name, Asin, and more.

Amazon products global dataset

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Amazon best seller products

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Final price high, Currency, and more.

Amazon Walmart

URL, Title amazon, Seller name amazon, Brand amazon, Description amazon, Initial price amazon, Currency amazon, Availability amazon, and more.

Amazon sellers info

Seller id, URL, Seller name, Description, Detailed info, Stars, Feedbacks, Return policy, and more.

Amazon products search

Asin, URL, Name, Sponsored, Initial price, Final price, Currency, Sold, and more.

Sephora products

URL, ID, Name, Sku, In stock, Regular price, Actual price, Unit price, and more.


URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Reviews count, Initial price, Discount, and more.

Myntra products

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Ratings count, Initial price, Discount, and more.

Zalando products

Domain, Country code, URL, Sku, Condition, Gender, Product name, Brand, and more.

Tokopedia Products

Product id, Title, URL, Currency, Delivery, Final price, Initial price, Seller name, and more.

Chanel Products

Product name, Product description, Country, Currency, Color, Variations, Free sample, Image slider, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Precios de conjuntos de datos

Refresh rate
Complete Dataset
  • Libres y validados
  • Se actualiza cada mes
  • JSON/CSV/Parquet

Beauty products datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case

Suscripción a datos

Suscríbete para acceder a conjuntos de datos por un precio mucho más bajo.

Formatos de exportación de los archivos

JSON, NDJSON, JSON Lines, CSV, Parquet. Compresión opcional en .gz.

Entrega flexible

Snowflake, almacenamiento de Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Azure y SFTP.

Datos ajustables a escala

Ajusta la escala sin preocuparte por la infraestructura, por los servidores proxy o por los bloqueos.

Ahorro de costes

Personaliza cualquier conjunto de datos con filtros y con opciones de formato.

Mantenimiento de código

Los conjuntos de datos se mantienen en función de los cambios que se realicen en la estructura del sitio web.

Integraciones simplificadas

Saca partido de las integraciones con Snowflake y AWS.

Servicio de asistencia disponible las 24 horas del día

Un equipo exclusivo de expertos en datos está aquí para ayudarte.

Líderes en cumplimiento

Los datos se obtienen de forma ética y cumplen con todas las leyes de privacidad.

Get structured and reliable beauty data

Te facilitamos los datos mientras tú te centras en lo demás

Datos web de gran volumen

Con nuestras funciones de desbloqueo y de rotación de las direcciones IP las 24 horas del día, garantizamos el acceso a todos los puntos de datos de un sitio web.

Datos para uso inmediato

Todos los aspectos del proceso de recopilación de datos se validan a fondo como parte de nuestro potente proceso de validación de datos.

Flujo de datos automatizado

Crea cronogramas personalizados para automatizar la entrega de datos y comprueba cómo los datos fluyen sin problemas hacia su almacenamiento.

How companies use beauty products datasets

Product development

Beauty brands can use datasets with consumer feedback, ingredient preferences, and effectiveness data to innovate and improve their product lines.
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Inventory management

A beauty product dataset containing information on sales trends, product demand, and customer purchase cycles can help businesses optimize their inventory. By understanding which products are in high demand during certain seasons or promotional periods, companies can better manage their stock levels, reduce overstock, and avoid stockouts, ensuring they can meet customer demand without excessive inventory costs.
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Brand collaborations

Beauty companies can leverage datasets that track influencer partnerships, social media mentions, and the effectiveness of brand collaborations to optimize their marketing efforts. By analyzing which influencers have the most engagement with their target audience and the impact of specific campaigns on sales, brands can refine their strategies to increase visibility, reach, and brand awareness among potential customers.
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Get your beauty products data today.