Free Datasets

Gain insights into market trends with free datasets to enhance your business strategy and decision-making

  • Free data from multiple sources
  • Get accurate free data
  • Free data samples for download
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Available Data Points

The free datasets include all major data points: URL, title, popularity, genres, images, writer name, photos, videos, credit, languages, release date, and a lot more. Subsets are available by categories and specific data points.

Free datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case


Diferentes formatos de salida de archivos

Conjuntos de datos en formato JSON, ndJSON, CSV o Excel

Múltiples opciones de entrega

Datos escalables

Escalar sin preocuparse por la infraestructura, servidores proxy o bloqueos

Campos de salida personalizados

Defina campos de salida personalizados para satisfacer requisitos empresariales específicos

Mantenimiento del código

Escalado de datos

Definición de servidores para gestionar grandes cantidades de solicitudes de datos

Soporte 24/7

Gestión de su recopilación de datos por un gestor de cuenta dedicado

Garantía de calidad de los datos

Garantice la fiabilidad y precisión de los datos para una mejor toma de decisiones

Get structured and reliable free data

Nosotros le proporcionaremos los datos mientras usted se centra en el resto

Alto volumen de datos web

Con nuestras capacidades de desbloqueo y rotación de IP las 24 horas del día, garantizamos el acceso a todos los puntos de datos de un sitio web

Datos para uso inmediato

Cada aspecto del proceso de recopilación de datos se valida exhaustivamente como parte de nuestro sólido proceso de validación de datos

Flujo de datos sin fisuras

Cree programaciones personalizadas para automatizar la entrega de datos y vea cómo los datos fluyen sin problemas hacia su almacenamiento

How companies use free datasets

Cultural and Media Analysis

Use free datasets from platforms like Wikipedia and IMDb to explore cultural trends, media popularity, and audience engagement, enabling a deeper understanding of consumer interests and media consumption patterns.
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market research and analysis

Sports Analytics

Analyze data from sources like ESPN to gain insights into worldwide sports statistics, team performances, and fan engagement, helping to enhance sports marketing strategies and fan interaction initiatives.
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sport news data

Demographic and Social Research

Utilize datasets from sites like World Population Review and Goodreads to study demographic changes, literary trends, and social behaviors, supporting academic research and targeted marketing efforts.
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demographic and social research

Free Datasets FAQs

The free datasets cover a wide variety of data points, depending on the website. They include comprehensive information appropriate for multiple analytical purposes, available in subsets categorized by specific data points and categories.

Yes, once we update the free datasets you'll be able to access the new data.

Yes, you can get a subset from the available record options.

Dataset formats are JSON, NDJSON, JSON Lines, CSV, or Parquet. Optionally, files can be compressed to .gz.

If you don’t want to get a free dataset, you can start scraping data by yourself. You can learn how to do that on our blog.

Free datasets can be incredibly valuable for a range of applications. They provide essential data that you can use to train machine learning models, conduct market research, or enhance academic studies. By analyzing trends, patterns, and correlations within these datasets, you can gain insights that inform decision-making, develop predictive models, and improve strategies without the initial cost of data acquisition. This accessibility allows both individuals and businesses to experiment and innovate more freely.

Get your free dataset today.