Insomniac proxy integration

Insomniac Proxy Integration

What is Insomniac?

Insomniac is an online purchasing tool allowing you to hide your digital footprint through its multi-session browser. Insomniac browser allows you to apply one proxy per tab and hide your online footprint by applying a different IP address for every tab you open.

How to setup Insomniac with Bright Data proxies:

Set-up for Insomniac browser

  • Download and install the Insomniac browser
  • Open Insomniac browser
  • Click on Insomniac Proxy Per TabManage Proxy List
  • In the extension, click the Add a Single Proxy tab

Integrating Insomniac with Bright Data Proxies

  • Go to your Bright Data Dashboard and click Create a Zone
  • Choose your Network Type
  • Click Save
  • In Insomniac Proxy Per Tab click on the Add single Proxy tab and copy your proxy details:
    • Host name:
    • Port: 22225
    • Username: enter your Bright Data Zone username
  • Copy the Bright Data Zone password (found in the Zone settings) to the password field in Insomniac
  • Click Add proxy
  • In the Proxy Per Tab extension, select Rotate through the proxy in order
  • This particular selection will automatically select a proxy port for each tab in linear order versus random order
Proxy extension settings with rotation method menu.

Integrating Multiple Proxy Manager ports with Insomniac

  • Download Proxy Manager
  • Click Add new Proxy to create a new port
  • Select the new port (24XXX)
  • Go to the General tab in the port settings
  • In the Multiply proxy port field select the number of proxy ports to create. This will create multiple proxy ports with the same settings
  • Your Spreadsheet Contains the following columns:
    • Custom Name: Add a name for each proxy
    • Host:
    • Port: 24XXX
    • Username, Password, and Tags: leave EMPTY(the Proxy Manager has already been authenticated with the Super Proxy)
  • Save the file as a CSV and not as an XLS or XLSX
  • In Insomniac Proxy per tab extension select Manage Proxy list, and select Add bulk proxies
  • Select Import proxy list and upload the CSV file

Get proxies for Insomniac

Tipos de proxy para cada necesidad

Proxies residenciales

  • 72,000,000 IPs
  • Disponible en 195 países
  • La red IP rotativa más grande compuesta por pares verdaderos
  • Acceso y recopilación de datos en todos los sitios web sofisticados

Proxies datacenter

  • 1,600,000 IPs
  • Disponible en 98 países
  • Reservas disponibles de IPs dedicadas y compartidas
  • Acceso rápido a sitios web no complejos

Proxies ISP

  • +700,000 IPs
  • Disponibles en 35 países
  • IPs verdaderas estáticas y residenciales sin rotación de IPs
  • La mejor opción para iniciar sesión en múltiples cuentas

Proxies mobile

  • 7,000,000+ IPs
  • Disponible en 195 países
  • La red IP 3G/4G compuesta con verdaderos pares más grande del mundo
  • Verificación de publicidad para dispositivos móviles

El líder en la categoría de proxies y recopilación de datos

Category leader in proxies

Se recopilan 650 TB de datos públicos cada día

Number of ISP proxies

Nuevas características se lanzan todos los días

Serving 7/10 universities

Sirviendo a 7 de las 10 principales universidades del mundo

Trust pilot ratings

Calificación más alta de Trustpilot en la industria: 4.5/5

Ready to get started?