Genlogin Proxy Integration

What is Genlogin?

Genlogin is a state-of-the-art Automation Platform and Antidetect Browser that revolutionizes web automation and management. It enables users to build and manage web automation tools swiftly and efficiently, automating tasks that would otherwise be performed manually in a web browser. Genlogin offers robust solutions to automate repetitive browser operations, combined with cutting-edge Antidetect features that effectively prevent account lockouts.

This platform is a game-changer for businesses, organizations, and individuals by replacing the need for multiple personnel with a single, unified platform. Whether the requirement is large or small, Genlogin Automation has a tailor-made automation script for every need. Additionally, Genlogin stands out with its core Antidetect Browser technology, offering superior account lockout prevention and detection resistance across various platforms, …

Unlock New Possibilities with Bright Data Proxies and Genlogin

Tap into the unlimited potential of Genlogin combined with Bright Data proxies. Experience a world of possibilities and take your browsing experience to new heights.

  • Access the world’s largest proxy pool with 72+ million IPs, including datacenter, residential, mobile, and web unlocker proxies.
  • Real-time visibility into traffic with live previews.
    Harness the power of logs and statistics for comprehensive insights.
  • Optimize bandwidth and reduce costs with traffic splitting rules.
  • Ensure reliable data retrieval with automatic request retries.
  • Effortlessly overcome captchas and adapt to markup changes.
  • Customize headers and SSL fingerprints with ease.
  • Enjoy the benefits of IP rotation and session management for enhanced anonymity.
  • Seamlessly integrate with existing workflows through the user-friendly API.

Together, Genlogin and Bright Data Proxies create a formidable combination that amplifies your capabilities, providing you with unparalleled control and flexibility in navigating the ever-changing online landscape.

Steps to integrate Genlogin with Bright Data proxies

Create a Zone

Create a Zone in Bright Data

To begin integrating Genlogin with Bright Data, it is recommended to create an ISP zone with a dedicated IP. Make sure to include your targeted domains or select the “All domains” setting to target multiple sites using the same IP.

Example Zone Setting

Example Zone Setting:

Create a designated Zone for your proxy usage.

Example Zone Setting

Obtain Access Parameters:

Open the Proxies & Scraping Infrastructure in Bright Data, select the zone you have created, and choose access parameters. Keep the browser tab open as you will need these credentials in the coming steps.

Download Genlogin:

Download Genlogin:

Download and install the latest version of Genlogin for your operating system by clicking here.

Create a New Profile:

Create a New Profile:

Click on the “+ Create profile” button and Name the profile.

Select Bright Data Proxies:

Select Bright Data Proxies:

Scroll down to the Proxy section. Select “Your Proxy”, from the Proxy type dropdown menu and choose “Http Proxy”.

Set Proxy Server

Set Proxy Server and Port:

For Bright Data proxies, set the server to and the port to 22225

Copy Proxy Username and Password:

Go to Bright Data’s “Proxies & Scraping Infra” and select the proxy zone you are using. Click on the “Access parameter” option and copy the provided Username and Password. Return to Genlogin and paste the copied Username and Password into the corresponding fields.

Check Proxy and Create Profile:

Click on the “Create Profile” button and ensure that you see a “Profile Created” message.

Start Browsing:

Start Browsing:

Back to the profile dashboard, you can see the profile you created with Proxy. To use the proxy, click on the “Start” button, and you will see a browser opening up with your preferred settings and the configured proxy.

Verify Proxy Usage:

Verify Proxy Usage:

To confirm the use of your Bright Data proxy, refer to the Event Log section in your Proxies & Scraping Infrastructure dashboard.


In conclusion, the integration of advanced proxy services with Genlogin Automation Platform and Antidetect Browser represents a significant leap forward in digital resource management and online automation. This powerful synergy unlocks unprecedented levels of efficiency, security, and versatility in web-based operations.
By combining the robust automation capabilities of Genlogin with the reliability and anonymity of top-tier proxies, users are equipped to handle a vast array of online tasks with unparalleled ease and effectiveness.

:warning:Important note: If you are using Bright Data’s Residential Proxies, Web Unlocker or SERP API, you need to install an SSL certificate to enable end-to-end secure connections to your target website(s). This is a simple process, see for instructions.

Get proxies for Genlogin

proxy badges

Alimentado por una infraestructura de proxy residencial galardonada

Más de 72 millones de IP residenciales, la mejor tecnología de su clase y con capacidad de apuntar a cualquier país, ciudad, operador y ASN, hace de nuestros servicios de proxy premium la mejor opción para los desarrolladores.

About Bright Data proxies

Residential Proxies

  • 72,000,000+ IPs
  • Available in 195 countries
  • The largest rotating real-peer IP network
  • Access & crawl all sophisticated websites

Datacenter Proxies

  • 770,000+ IPs
  • Available in 98 countries
  • Shared and dedicated IP pools available
  • Access & crawl all sophisticated websites

ISP Proxies

  • 700,000+ IPs
  • Available in 35 countries
  • Real static residential IPs without IP rotation
  • Best for logging into multiple accounts

Mobile Proxies

  • 7,000,000+ IPs
  • Available in 195 countries
  • Largest real-peer 3G/4G IP network in the world
  • Verify mobile ads & crawl mobile sites

Proxy Network Pricing

Sin compromiso
Prueba gratuita
Utiliza nuestros proxies sin compromiso mensual
69 GB incluido
$7.14 / GB
$499 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Ideal para pequeñas empresas con un uso moderado
158 GB incluido
$6.3 / GB
$999 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Diseñado para equipos grandes con amplias necesidades operativas
339 GB incluido
$5.88 / GB
$1999 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Optimizado para empresas que ejecutan operaciones a gran escala
Sin compromiso
Prueba gratuita
Utiliza nuestros proxies sin compromiso mensual
69 GB incluido
$7.14 / GB
$499 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Ideal para pequeñas empresas con un uso moderado
158 GB incluido
$6.3 / GB
$999 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Diseñado para equipos grandes con amplias necesidades operativas
339 GB incluido
$5.88 / GB
$1999 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Optimizado para empresas que ejecutan operaciones a gran escala
Sin compromiso
Prueba gratuita
Utiliza nuestros proxies sin compromiso mensual
31 GB incluido
$15.94 / GB
$499 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Ideal para pequeñas empresas con un uso moderado
71 GB incluido
$14.06 / GB
$999 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Diseñado para equipos grandes con amplias necesidades operativas
152 GB incluido
$13.13 / GB
$1999 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Optimizado para empresas que ejecutan operaciones a gran escala
Sin compromiso
Prueba gratuita
Utiliza nuestros proxies sin compromiso mensual
1 TB incluido
$0.51 / GB
$499 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Ideal para pequeñas empresas con un uso moderado
2 TB incluido
$0.45 / GB
$999 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Diseñado para equipos grandes con amplias necesidades operativas
5 TB incluido
$0.42 / GB
$1999 + IVA/Facturado mensualmente
Prueba gratuita
Optimizado para empresas que ejecutan operaciones a gran escala
¿Necesitas más de 1 TB?
  • Escala ilimitada
  • Asientos ilimitados
  • SLA Premium
  • 99.99% de disponibilidad de la red
  • Gestor de proxy gratuito
  • Cobertura completa de datos
  • Precio conforme a la personalización por GB
  • Soluciones personalizadas

El líder en la categoría de proxies y recopilación de datos

Category leader in proxies

Se recopilan 650 TB de datos públicos cada día

Number of ISP proxies

Nuevas características se lanzan todos los días

Serving 7/10 universities

Sirviendo a 7 de las 10 principales universidades del mundo

Trust pilot ratings

Calificación más alta de Trustpilot en la industria: 4.5/5

La mejor experiencia del cliente en la industria

Tu pides, nosotros desarrollamos

Lanzamientos de nuevas funciones todos los días

Soporte global 24/7

Para responder a cualquier pregunta justo cuando lo necesite

Transparencia total

Tablero de rendimiento de la red en tiempo real

Gerentes de cuenta dedicados

Para optimizar su rendimiento

Soluciones a medida

ara cumplir con sus objetivos de recopilación de datos

Ready to get started?